Is this Aspidistra fimbriata F.T. Wang & K.Y. Lang commonly known as the "Cast Iron Plant"? This specimen was a gift from a Florida grower but came with no name. I've tracked down the name Aspidistra fimbriata published in Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 16(1): 76-77, pl. 1. 1978. (Acta Phytotax. Sin.) with a common name of "cast iron plant" That species is Found in China: Fujian: Ningyang, 450 m, in forests along ravines at 400--500 m., Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan. It was possiblly found in 1932 But I can't verify this is it! If you know the plant, please offer any info.
I seen one similar yearterday at the nursery, but didn't pay much attention to the species name. I thought the leaves on your one look thinner, but I can't confirm whether the one at the nursery was A fimbriata. But it was definitely an Aspidistra. I can't even remember which nursery it was, I went to about 5!!
Can you double check that Ed? I found photos on the net (which I rarely trust) that did not look like my plant. But all the scientific evidence I can locate leads me to believe this one may be the species!
There must be more than one type called this. Mine is variagated and looks more like a the one in right hand pic, Shrubs, Trees - A&cat3_number=2 . Sort of comes out of the clump. Varigation is quiet strong and defined. Have had it for eons and in the same pot too boot. Liz
Yes, and several more like it. Some sellers call it the "Vietnam" plant and other made-up names. No one I can find uses a species name for this cultivar. By the way, technically a cultivar is a naturally produced plant that is not a hybrid. It is similar to a throw back but if it is unique, at least in the U.S. a grower may patent it and give it any CV name they choose, even if it is a named species. That is why I am suspicious mine is a CV. The dots could be juvenile marks and will vanish with age allowing the plant to appear more like the plant photo Liz posted. These are questions I can't resolve. The grower told me the plant was a juvenile he had taken off his own adult plant but I don't have a photo of the adult. So still more questions than answers. If you've got good answers, post them!
The plant I saw matched with the plant in Chris' link, which looks like yours, Steve. I can't remember the name I saw at the nursery but I have a recollection that it was something Asian ala Singapore or Vietnam. More than likely just a made up name. In Liz's link I have both those plants, normal and variegated. My guess is yours is a CV... Ed