This picture is from Mansfield Pennsylvania. I was asked to ID this yellow flower. I think it may be a tree seedling? Any thoughts as to what it may be? Disregard the title of the picture...
I don't think it's a flower. It looks more like the yellowing and fading cotyledons (seed leaves), with the true leaves emerging in a small coil above. See: Epigeal germination - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In this instance, it looks like something with rather large cotyldeons, so it might be identifiable by someone who is very familiar with your local spring flora (and yes, likely a tree that has large seeds in order to store that size of seed leaves... maybe a nut tree of some kind?)
Agree with a Fagus seedling. Presumably American Beech Fagus grandifolia seedling, unless close to a park or garden with cultivated European Beech Fagus sylvatica.