This thing popped up by my solar spotlight (it's beginning to swallow it!) in a flowerbed. At first I thought it was just a cone flower; the leaves are similiar...kind of leathery & a little fuzzy. As it grew larger & spread out, I realized it WAS NOT a coneflower, and don't know what the heck it is! Help!
Thanks for your reply, abgardeneer. I also thought that it might be some sort of Plantain variety, but it doesn't look anything like the Plantain that we have growing out in our pasture fields (& there's lots!). It is really large, and the leaves aren't smooth; they are sort of fuzzy & white tinted on the there another type? Thanks!
I'd tend to agree with Greater Plantain Plantago major, it can get like this when growing in very fertile soil. But might be worth waiting to see what flowers it produces.
I happened to find another one of these in our horse corral, that had flowers and seed pods on it. I'm pretty sure that it is a weed of some kind; but not sure if it is a plantain variety... does anyone know what it is? It is about 2 foot tall, the flowers are tiny dark purple ones on stalks and it has sort of a foul odor.
Flowers on my "weed"... About a week ago, I posted a photo of a thing growing in my flowerbed, that I needed help identifying; but it was difficult because it hadn't flowered yet. I actually stumbled upon another plant of it's kind growing out in one of our horse corrals...with flowers & seed pods! Although I know it's a weed now (with ugly flowers), I'm still curious if anyone might know what it is, and if it would be wise to erradicate it! Thanks!
Re: Flowers on my "weed"... I believe abgardeneer answered it correctly in your previous post. houndstongue, Cynoglossum officinale
Abgardeneer: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! It IS houndstongue! After doing a bit of research; it is indeed a very nasty BAD weed...noxious & poisonous to horses & cattle. It's all gonna go tomorrow... More info:
Re: Flowers on my "weed"... Thank you, tipularia; I just read abgardeneer's reply & it definitely IS houndstongue! After doing a bit of research; it is indeed a very nasty BAD weed...noxious & poisonous to horses & cattle. It's all gonna go tomorrow... More info: