The flowers are only about 2-3 inches across. The leaves look like iris. But it have only recently started to bloom now in August, here in zone 4,and it only blooms in the very late afternoon and evening. Thanks for your help. Someone has always answered all my questions.
This multi stem flower head looks similar to a white iris I have. I would say Iris but as to what type I can'r help. Will be interested to see what replies turn up Liz
I suspect it's the Vesper Iris, sorry can't recall the latin name. I had it a few years back, and seem to recall that it bloomed late in the season and that it had that multi-bloom structure. Its name reflects the time of day at which it blooms, which I gather is what evening prayers are called - don't ask me in which church or institution, but of British origin? Something tells me I should have stopped half a sentence ago!