Hello all, I just received my cuttings from bouncing bear and want to make sure what i got is what they stated. I just potted the first 6" tip cutting! woohoo thanks!
From a photo of a 6 inch cutting, it looks like you received what you have ordered. When it matures and flowers, you should be able to confirm it.
I will confirm for certain that the pictured tip cutting is indeed a pachanoi. good idea checking tho, word is that Bouncing bear is a little iffy on species fulfillment. a particularly poor trait considering their clients generally obtain products for consumption. also, is the cutting rooted? if not than you shouldn't be letting the soil hold moisture
Yep, keep the soil on the dry side, to avoid rot. The mix also looks too rich in organic stuff, a sandy soil would be better. If it hasn't been in long enough to root yet, I'd change the soil now, before it does.
Thanks guys, The soil i used id called "Shcultz cactus and succulent potting mix". The cutting is not rooted and i did put a little water in when i planted it yesterday. Should I pull it out and where can i get this sandy mix your talking about? Is it sold as a mix in department stores or do i have to mix it myself?
If it is sold specifically for cacti, it should be OK; I was only going on how it looks in the photo which may not be too reliable.
the cacti mix is for ROOTED cacti. its always best to wait for roots before putting in rich soil, but it wil most likey be ok as long as you ont add moisture untill root buds show.