This hard thing has been growing from the ground. I cut out once and then it came back. There is a pine tree like 15 ft from it. But there was an old tree that died there like 25 years ago. Anybody think it’s just the old tree roots trying to come to life again? Sorry the picture is sideways. Don’t know why that happens.
@Gregorious, do you have your answer now, or are you interested in knowing something about the fungus? If you want to know more, please reply telling us what kind of tree was there previously, not that it's certain that this fungus is related to that tree.
It is interesting to hear it bring a fungus! I wish I knew what type of tree was there, but I don’t remember. I was a child when it was living. I do feel curious to know anything about it though. Maybe it’s a rare growth, but likely not. It is very dense and solid. I cut it off once and it eventually turned a blackish color. I thank you for looking at it. This picture was last fall when i cut it off.
Hi @Gregorious Lovely polypore: Shape, thickness, staining and pore colour make one of the Ganoderma most likely.