Found this yesterday, 11/26, in the grassy side of the road while walking my dog. It is in rather late stage. Basically, dead and dried up. Did not have any mushroomy smell. Smelled like moldy leaves and after it dried up at home has no smell at all. Its 6 in diameter and 2 tall, has flat top with frilly edges. The shape is better described as upside down hat. The top is silvery grey (might not be the original color) and somewhat glossy. The underside is chocolate brown and releases powder of the same color when rubbed. It appears to have remnants of tubular pores, but its hard to tell. It appeared to have a tap root from which I had to snap it from. I could not find anything remotely similar is National Audubon Society Field Guide to Mushrooms.
It is an old fruit body of a puffball (Gasteromycetes). Possibly an atypical Calvatia (Handkea) utriformis is concerned. Cheers, Harri Harmaja