Is This a Chinese Photinia

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by Alan Goldstein, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. Alan Goldstein

    Alan Goldstein New Member

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    Roseville, CA, USA
    My neighbor recently planted 22 of these plants along our 30 foot property line. Having done research on the Photinia, I believe this specie has the potential in 5 or so years to spread as much as 10 feet. This would put it very much on our property and would require us to maintain a hedge which we do not want. Before I appeal to the homeowners association of our community, I want to be certain that I am identifying the plant and its characteristics accurately. Further research has informed me that this specie does not like poorly draining soil and being planted on top of a lawn (which this hedge now is). I am attaching two photos in hopes someone can identify the plant for me. The second photo also shows some blight on it which I wonder if it is spreadable to other plants and shrubs.

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  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Probably its hybrid Fraser photinia. This is being marred by leaf spot problems in much of the country now.

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