Is swaying promotes a stronger JM - Weeper

Discussion in 'Maples' started by mobiledynamics, May 20, 2024.

  1. mobiledynamics

    mobiledynamics Member

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    Zone 7A - Long Island
    I currently have 2 staked ridge JM. One is a Usugumo and the other is a Hana Matoi.
    Usu just due to very airy mix and roots haven't taken hold. The Hana, I'm training the leader to get height before I let it weep.

    What is the drawback on keeping these stakes for more than 1 season, etc .
    Due to it not -moving- much within the enviroment, does it really -inhibit- less root growth as a general principal of plant's -swaying- in the wind develop stronger
    Last edited: May 20, 2024
  2. maf

    maf Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Northamptonshire, England
    I've left JM's staked for 2 or 3 years before with no ill effect.
  3. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    I tend to leave stakes for around 2 years, then remove. I have found that the roots tend to become stronger if there is upper movement. Basically they grab more to keep the tree upright.
    Re your Usugumo, yes if the mix is extremely light, then there will be movement, hence why when potting up for bonsai we wire the tree down for a year or until the root mass takes care of stabilising the tree. I have found a year or a touch longer is about right for this.
    But no hard and fast rule.
  4. mobiledynamics

    mobiledynamics Member

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    Zone 7A - Long Island
    Yeah, I mean sometimes you do have to keep them staked like the weeper in order to get height....
    Just wasn't sure how much I am -setting- back root development when I hold it back from moving.
    In my case, the Hana is staked continually up to the very top - or as high as I can go before branching/weeping of the tip prohibits that.
    But come next year or early winter, before it hardens off, I'll be staking it higher again for next year
  5. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    I think that's OK, and even standard practice. The amount of stability that a stake to increase height in a dissectuam is basically insignificant wrt the wind blowing through the plant, and helping the roots establish. AFAIK, you could stake up and up, during many years, and it wouldn't have any significant effect on the root system.

    It's really the only way, as you point out, to make a high mushroom shape. -E
    Otto Bjornson likes this.
  6. Otto Bjornson

    Otto Bjornson Contributor

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    chilliwack BC, Canada (8b)
    Our oldest dissectum ( red dragon) was staked for 7-8 years to get to the 8' height ( 2 1/2 meter) that it now is. No effect on the root system development as each year the staking of the top leader had no effect at all on the stability / structure of the root system.


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    maf, AlainK and Acerholic like this.

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