I recently purchased a couple of red maples from a local nursery. They are about 4 feet tall and looked pretty healthy for a while. Recently noticed that lots of leaves are burnt on the edges but the inner part of the leaf is still alive. due to some really nice hot days recently here in Seattle, i concluded that this is because they were not able to bear the heat... I moved them to partial shade and started watering more frequently. No improvement. There are lot more leaves burnt dry now... Any Ideas ?? Thx..
1)hot wind =margins leaves brown 2)little water= " " " 3)more water = " " " 4)not good dreinage = " " in this period i have some acer(in young age) in similar conditions ,the leaves remain brown but ,the maple remain in life....
how often do the whole leaf become dry ? i have quiet few of them -- especially towards the top of the branches.
So even though the leaves are brown the tree is still alive? How do you know if the tree is alive or dead? thank you.