Hi All, I seem to be having similar problem to the one discussed in this post. My ficus has lost all of its bottom leaves. The ones on top are nice a green (see pics) but they seem to fall out eventually as well - they don't even turn yellow! It used to be impossible to control this puppy, now it seems to be just sitting there. I will be very greateful for any suggestions you might have. Thank you!
ok as with the other ficus tree thread...... they are very finiky about how you treat them... if you had it it a spot fer a long time them moved it that could make it drop leaves... also it could be too close to central air. More then likely it may need a litl ebit more light or its natural... mine does the same thing every year remeber it isnt a bush its a tree so it does have a bare trunk.
np man.... by the way .. itts very very had to kil these things..... a family friend had one fer like 15 yrs... he was an alcoholic and he never remmeberd watering it or nothing.. it jsut sat ther ein a corner so you dont have to worry that much