I have a plant I don't know the name. It looks like calla lily. If it is, can I plant it outdoor in the garden during the winter? or I have to dig it up? I planted in the area that get afternoon sun from 1:30pm to 5:30pm. Is it okay? Any more information about this plant? Thanks.
If it isn't calla lily, (which is what it looks like, then it is some other aroid from the same family.
If it isn't calla lily, (which is what it looks like, then it is some other aroid from the same family. It will die to the ground for the winter, then come up again next spring.
I'm a brave soul, for I've just transplanted (yesterday) a couple of Calla Lily plants that looks exactly like the one in your photo. Furthermore, I splitted the two plants into four for the transplant. However, don't take my words, I've had more failures than I can shake my gardenning spade at!!! To Carol, you're absolutely correct; I've had these Calla Lilies for about 5 years, each year, they die to to ground over winter, and sprouted in the following spring. My challenge is to remember where they are, for I've been over-zealous in cultivating in the spring. I can also recall vividly that the Calla Lilies' growth had NOT been as zealous as my cultivating, for though I had them on the sunny side of the house before, they were under the gable end, and my watering had NOT been as diligent as I should.