Hello, I'm hoping someone might know about the safety of fruit grown on trees that are in leach fields? Specifically, do the chemicals from household cleaners that go down our drains eventually leach into the fruit on the trees, making the fruit unsafe to eat? Appreciate any advice. Heather
Not sure about the safety of the fruit, but it won't be good for the leach field - the standard advice is not to plant trees on leach fields as the roots can block the system.
Thanks for the reply. The fruit trees were already there and mature when we bought the house 7 years ago. The previous owners didn't report any problems with root invasion, and we haven't had any...so far :-) The idea of the safety of the fruit fdue to chemicals in the septic system was recently brought to my attention, thus the post. No one seems to have an answer though and I haven't been able to find anything on the internet. Heather
I would not be too worried about the cleaners that go down the drain, most of those will decompose in the septic tank. The problem (if there is one) would come from toxic metals such as mercury, chromium, and lead. If they are introduced to the septic system they cannot be degraded and may be taken up by trees. Heavy metals are the main reason that sewage sludge is not used on crop land. Skeet
For total confidence, you may want to get your fruit assayed and tested for heavy metal concentrations.