Is Corsican Mint recommended?

Discussion in 'Groundcovers' started by BobHamilton, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. BobHamilton

    BobHamilton Member

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    Tsawwassen, B.C. Canada
    How is Corsican Mint for part sun/part shade area under evergreens? This is to fill cracks between slate pavers. Soil is well drained (seems a bit sandy). Location: Tsawwassen. Any care or maintenance issues?
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Being a mint it like moist fertile soil. Too much foot traffic will damage it.
  3. Jo Green

    Jo Green Member

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    I agree with Ron that Corsican Mint likes a moist fertile soil. If your soil tends to be sandy and well drained you will want to water it very often. Corsican Mint is very often used to carpet damp places and the mint fragrance is released when you step on the plant. This type of mint plant does reseed itself, however, from my experience the plant is not invasive. If the weather is mild during the winter months and the mint is planted in a protected area, it can remain evergreen. Although for the most part, the plant is deciduous.

    Corsican Mint is tolerant of light foot traffic I which is why it is a good choice for the cracks between pavers. It can also be planted in containers where it will flow out of the top and down the sides creating a lovely greenery effect for a deck or balcony.
  4. janetdoyle

    janetdoyle Active Member 10 Years

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    Victoria [Saanich, actually, northeast of Victoria
    Corsican Mind is one of my most successful groundcovers. It is not in a particularly moist place, but I have watered the area pretty well and it gets the strata irrigation [spray] twice a week. I have it planted around the base of a cherry tree and there are dwarf conifers nearby too. It was the greenest cover all last winter, with some thymes fading a bit to very minimalist green and visibility. Stays nice and flat for those who want an even, flat groundcover. I'd like to see it as a lawn somewhere, would be an interesting effect.
  5. Palm Nut

    Palm Nut Active Member 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    The house we purchased last spring had a section of the backyard with coriscan mint. We really like it, but for some reason this year, there were patches of brown. The are some areas I'd like to add more, but in Vancouver, it was hard to find. Fortunately, it spreads nicely and filled in the areas I wanted. .. sort of.. there still a few places it needs to fill in. I trimmied around the some edges of the yard and tried to transplant it but it wasn't successful in establishing itself. Just wish I was able to find more, but I guess in time it will fill the bald areas. Like most of the my garden I want instant gratification and hate waiting for Mother Nature.
  6. janetdoyle

    janetdoyle Active Member 10 Years

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    Victoria [Saanich, actually, northeast of Victoria
    As a matter of interest, where were the patches of brown? Our cat pees sometimes on our fenced patio groundcovers if I let her out the sliding glass door and don't catch her in time; [I usually keep her inside] but that turns my groundcovers brown, or black, or at least the elfin thyme, not sure about the Corsican Mint. Where I have the Corsican Mint in another area in the front under trees and shrubs and a small open area, it seems green and smooth but does allow some weeds and mosses to come up through it... but not a lot of them. One can pull them quite easily. And I am encouraging mosses anyway. I have no brown patches there, only where I did not plant any or where it has not yet spread. It is not a hugely fast spreader, I will grant that. GardenWorks on the mainland probably has the Corsican Mint for sale or could get it for you, they carry it here all the time...

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