Irish moss is one of those plants (like bluebells) that supports the argument that botanical names are much more specific and useful than common ones. According to Wikipedia, Irish moss may refer to: • Chondrus crispus, a commonly gathered seaweed; a clarifying agent in beer brewing • Mastocarpus stellatus, a less commonly gathered seaweed • Sagina subulata, a terrestrial plant with needle-like leaves • Soleirolia soleirolii, a terrestrial plant with round leaves • Arenaria verna, a terrestrial plant in the genus Arenaria (plant) • Gracilaria, a species of seaweed I suspect that you are looking for Arenaria verna which, along with Sagina subulata (Scotch moss) look ever-so-appealing in garden photos but which quickly become annoying weeds. Yes, they do grow from seeds. Two other plants with the same look but much less enthusiastic and invasive tendancies are is Azorella trifurcata or Scleranthus biflorus. I love them both.
Thanks for the informative reply! Do you know where I would find seeds for Azorella trifurcata or Scleranthus biflorus?
The Irish moss of garden centers can be bought in small inexpensive sizes that can be pulled apart repeatedly in future to make an ever larger planting. In fact, these plants need to be lifted, divided and replanted periodically in order to develop and maintain a solid green carpet of uniform height.