1. mrbridge

    mrbridge Member

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    Canmore, alberta
    For the last three years my irises have bloomed but immediately gone rotten in the flower. Sometimes they don't even open. They used to be wonderful and last a long time. They are so disappointing now. What has gone wrong? I have added peat moss and top soil to the beds and horsemanure (in small quantities - once). some are purple and some are yellow. Help!
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Bearded iris are Asian desert flowers liking full sun and limy dry soil. They have the same annual cycle as familiar bulbs from the same region, such as tulips: a cold winter followed by a moist spring, leading to a blazing arid summer results in all above ground activity being confined to the spring. You don't want to make the soil too humusy with stuff like peat (also the wrong pH) and compost, nor do anything that results in the tops of the rootstocks being covered. You do want to keep the plants in an open situation where the fans and tops of the rootstocks are fully exposed to light, dividing and replanting the clumps as necessary to keep them consisting primarily of vigorous portions.

    Try searching for articles about iris problems on the internet and looking in books about irises for hints about what you have happening.
  3. mrbridge

    mrbridge Member

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    Canmore, alberta
    Thank you very much for your reply. I have been covering the roots and watering them. I'll try your advice and hopefully they'll do better this year.


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