Several of our plants have holes on their leaves- I cannot see any bugs on them- it is not a slug as no trails left on them-one of the plants is a climbing hydrangea- no matter what time of the day I go out to try to find the "bug" - cant find anything what can it be the leaves are full of holes and some have the edges eaten as well can anyone help please?
Unusually large holes and edges appearing to be eaten is becoming extremely more common on many varieties of plants these days. Take a look at some Maples, Cherrys, Plums, or other trees in your area, and you will likely find similar looking holes. Your problem is probably not insects at all. Just seems the changing climate is taking its toll, and probably starting in the roots.
thanks Jim there is a clematis ( 2 yrs old) next to it - and the flowers have wholes and edges are "eaten" as well....have slug bate at the bottom - but no takers.... still the climate - you think?Any other way of checking for pests?
Perhaps pictures of the the damage and also of one of the plants would help to identify the cause? I understand that certain "chewers" only come out at night. Margaret
Perhaps root weevils, but they only chew from the edges, not leaving holes in the leaves. I have been in business in around your Richmond area for 21 years spraying for insects on plants. And I can confidently say that for the past 7yrs now I have been watching many species of plants and trees develop holes and edge damage on the leaves, right from bud break until fall. As I do not believe in spraying insecticides for no reason. Convincing a customer that it isn't insect damage is not always that easy. And not having a somewhat probable cause makes it even harder to convince. You may notice that some leaves have multiple smaller round holes, similar to shot hole disease. And, other leaves may have larger more rectangular holes that run between the leafs veins. As I mentioned above, if you have time go look at some of the blvd trees in your neighborhood, you may see the same symptoms. Marinka, I will start looking at flowers now for this. I usually deal with trees and honestly haven't noticed. There are 3 common causes in our area for the size of damage you are likely seeing. Holes and disappearing edges without any other distinctive leaf tissue damage or slug slim. 1. Shot hole disease 2. Bruce Span Worm 3. Climate change (as I put it) Unfortunately I do not get much response on #3. Plant Pathologists, Biologists, Arborists, and Landscapers I deal with on a regular basis blame these holes on insects. But when I ask them what type of insect they may suspect, its always "no idea or Span Worms". All I can say is there is no invisible insects. Sorry for the novel, if you would like me to come look at your plants at absolutely no fee, send me a PM. I am in Richmond often... Regards Jim.
Your "novel" was most interesting - and I really thank you for taking the time to write. I learned a lot. I will try to take a few pics. as well so you may take a peek at the problem. Again I thank you sooooo much. Are you from Richmond as well? We are on the west side , 1 block north of Steveston and # 1rd. Marinka