Hey everyone! My name is Anony, I am 29, and I live in Portland Oregon, USA. Was browsing on google for a good indoor garden forum, and being a plant lover, thought I would register here. Looks like I could learn a lot from this site. Little about my subject and why I am registered: I recently obtained lots of indoor grow equipment, and really want to learn how to grow herbs and vegetables indoors. I have successfully grown Sage, Thyme, Basil, and a few other 'herbs' but really want to learn how to grow vegetables indoors. Having grown things for years indoors, I figured I would be able to plant some cherry tomato seeds in my second favorite soil, give it the proper vegetative spectrum of light as I know it (6500K) and it would start to vegetate. I was wrong. So now I am doing research, starting from the beginning, on growing vegetables indoors. I have a 400W HPS light, but not sure how vegetables react to such light indoors? If anyone has any links to books, videos, info in general, I would really appreciate it. Well thats all for now, its really nice to meet you guys, and hope to see you around the boards!
Welcome Anony, Can you grow veg indoors? Maybe in containers on a windowsill like maybe Nantes carrots which are quite small but other than that I shake my head wondering what you can possibly grow indoors. Tomatoes yes. Maybe in a wooden barrel potatoes but they would need manure and manure indoors is a big nono from me lol Good luck Anony!
Well yes, And the rain element? Its fine you could water from the can but natures rain waters exactly where its needed, gets inside all those small places the can cannot reach. What about sun? Its hard enough to grow in normal garden coditions, its hard work getting things just right for seedlings grown inside so imagine how hard work it will be for you.
Well, i used ph balanced water, and know when it needs water based on the plants reaction. And I assume my 400W HPS full spectrum light will at least do it some good?
Anony, You *can* grow some veg with little problems and yes sun is of course is important for ripening purposes...example green tomatoes turn red in the sun. What you can grow: Cherry tomatoes, determinate vines 'Gypsy' peppers Hungarian sweet peppers Various hot peppers Short-vined cucumbers Short-vined squash Leaf Lettuce of all types Bush beans Endive Small-rooted carrots (yesterday I mentioned Nantes) Small-rooted beets Radishes Miniature cabbage ( you could pull when young)Bunching onions Swiss Chard Spinach Eggplant You may even get away with sprouts but most brassicas need manure. Ok you can do this with some but you will need to water these plants. How wil you water, will you take them out to water and then return them? Sage, Thyme, Basil, are all possible on a sunny window, supermarkets sell them because they are handy to have around for soups and stews, but they have small root system so easy to grow. What your contemplating is just so mega.
NO!!!! No sun: Not enough humidity as already been mentioned: Not enough light: No creatures like Ladybirds and bees to polinate: And the watering of would be a nightmare. Then again...try it and see how it goes. Be successful and prove us wrong.
OK but what if it were for veg and herbs as mentioned above. I'm not looking at large scale production just a few salad leaves and some herbs or any of the veg you mentioned above. Is polination required for these?
I am a new member here as well and am already loving the forum. Its great to see other new members introducing themselves and being active. There really is a lot of useful information that you probably wouldn't find anywhere else.
Welcome to the forums of Botanical Gardens Its *usual to begin your own thread really or your *hello* could easily get lost as this post moves on in the future. Have fun i'm sure you will...and meet lots of new friends and learn a lot too along the way.
Hello! This is my first post here, in a slightly cool, very grey day in Toronto. Longing for more spring-like days, now that the last of the snow (or so we hope) is melting away... Could someone please direct me to set up a custom avatar? I cannot find the way to do it, except the estabished ones. TKS. And thank you as well for sharing the clorophyll permeating this forum!
Hello to Ceibo, Welcome to Botanical garden forums, I hope you enjoy your stay. To set your avatar do the following its very easy: on the menu bar above your head (mind you don't bang it..your head) You will see the words 'my settings' Then once your in the settings go to avatar. You can choose flowers from Botanical Garden selection or choose your own from the web or your computer. I don't think there are any restrictions for the new user.
I think you might need a few e-mails before you can put yr own avatar up. Welcome to all of you, you will learn heaps. Re the vegetable growing can I ask WHY you want to grow indoors? Tomatoes need pollination so you will need to flap around with a fine paint brush. Hydroponics may be your solution. Google and you will get lots of info http://www.nurseriesonline.com.au/Vegetables/Growing-Hydroponic-Vegetables.html Liz
Thank you Katalina! Going through "My Settings" to "Edit Avatar", by the images it says "Note: if you have a custom avatar selecting this option will delete it.", but no opening to lead me to my computer. Maybe Liz is right, and it comes with seniority... ;-)
Hello Ceibo, If your new as you are then if you want your ava(tar) from your computer then as long as the rules allow then it will cancel out any from Botanical Gardens avatar sets. Ah, well, if you can't see the browse to find, and no box for the web link then post a few messages (please, no spam, be helpful!) and try again. Here you are, quite uptodate by Daniel who is I do believe the admin here: After a combination of 3 posts and being a forum member for 2 days, you can do the following as a Registered Plus user: * Can Upload Custom Avatars