I saw this interesting curling maple small tree, about 10 foot high.It is just starting to leaf out and it has small fuzzy leaves that are in an opposite pattern.It was in a garden for Mediterranean type plants. Perhaps some kind of southern (like Australia or?) plant.Have had no success with identifying so any help greatly appreciated.
Maybe Polylepis australis. Quote wiki..."The plant has small, pinnate leaves, 7–10 cm long, normally composed of five or seven leaflets. In harsh winters, Polylepis australis survives by producing rolls of loose, papery like exfoliating brownish bark;" Polylepis australis - Wikipedia
Oh Thank you. That looks very close. The leaves that are just coming out look a little fuzzy and may change to something more shiny.
I am pretty sure it is the Polylepis australis. When the leaves are more fully out I will post another photo.