International Aroid Society Show and Sale

Discussion in 'Araceae' started by photopro, Jul 3, 2009.

  1. photopro

    photopro Well-Known Member

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    Siloam Springs, AR, USA
    The International Aroid Society Show and Sale
    September 19th & 20, 2009

    Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, Miami, Florida, USA
    Rare and Unusual Philodendron, Anthurium, Alocasia, Amorphophallus, and other aroids for sale and at auction!


    The International Aroid Society will be holding their annual show and sale at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens in Miami, FL on Saturday and Sunday, September 19 and 20. Many plant growers will be at the show offering rare and unusual aroids for sale and lots of folks walk away every year with bargains. In addition, the IAS aroid auction will be held on Saturday the 19th and some of the rarest aroids in the world from Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, French Guiana, Suriname, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, the Caribbean and Asia will be up for auction. If you are an aroid collector or simply someone that loves to add beautiful plants to your landscape or collection make sure you are there. Just like every year you'll be able to see some of the most remarkable specimens on exhibit and talk to some of the world's most knowledgeable growers and aroid botanists on the planet! Besides, it's fun to watch a few plants sell for well over $1000 due to their extreme rarity!

    Your admission includes all the exhibits in the garden including the rare tropical plant atrium, orchid and epiphytic plant displays, a walk through a living rain forest, the tram ride through the entire garden to see rare trees and cycads from around the world and more!

    You can find a discount admission coupon to Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Miami if you plan to attend the 2009 Intenational Aroid Show and Sale in Miami. Use this link and click on the link to the printable discount coupon:

    Plan to join us!
    click here to join the IAS IAS.html
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2009
  2. asj2008

    asj2008 Active Member

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    Hey, hope you guys have a grand time...I won't be there as I'll be going to California in August, then (maybe) China with my wife in September.
  3. photopro

    photopro Well-Known Member

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    Siloam Springs, AR, USA
    You'll be missed! I'm told there are some great plants coming up from Ecuador and I'm all but certain there will a surprise visit from one of the best known aroiders in South America. Wish I could say more but I've been sworn the secrecy!
  4. asj2008

    asj2008 Active Member

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    I bet I know who that is! ;-)

    I'll keep track of the plants for bidding...
  5. photopro

    photopro Well-Known Member

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    Siloam Springs, AR, USA
    Well, just keep it to yourself! Everyone else will be surprised!
  6. photopro

    photopro Well-Known Member

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    Siloam Springs, AR, USA
    The International Aroid Society has announced the guest speaker for this year's annual dinner will be aroid botanist Dr. Thomas B. Croat Ph.D., P.A. Schulze Curator of Botany of the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, MO. Tickets to the dinner are $25.00 which will be held on Saturday evening, September 19. Tickets must be ordered in advance and reservations can be made by contacting Tricia Frank, IAS treasurer

    The annual auction for rare and unusual aroids is always held at the end of the evening! There are several rare plants almost never available that will be up for auction at the show including a specimen of Philodendron Spiritus-sancti from Brazil. There less than one dozen of these plants left in the wild!
  7. photopro

    photopro Well-Known Member

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    Siloam Springs, AR, USA
    We're just getting fully unpacked after the IAS show in Miami and wanted to make sure all of you know that one of our regulars on this forum won several major prizes. LariAnn received Best In Show for a stunning Philodendron hybrid which I considered stealing! The plant is incredible.

    She also received several other awards so I invite her to fill all of you in on the details. As one of the judges I was impressed with the almost perfect condition of her plants. I just wish I could grow them like that myself!

    I trust you'll all forgive me for not posting photos yet but this computer was in the shop for an upgrade while we were away and all the "wires" aren't hooked up just yet! I hope to be up to speed again tomorrow.

    The display area was one of the best I've ever seen so all that didn't make the show really missed some incredible aroids. Some were so large they were almost touching the ceiling in the exhibit hall! The weather was less than cooperative and as a result the attendance wasn't as high as we had hoped but the board is already starting to work on plans to for the 2010 show! Please consider joining us since you've got one full year to make your plans!

    Lots more to talk about so stand by! I'm hopeful LariAnn will be along shortly to fill in all the details and would personally like to congratulate her for the work fine work she is doing. If the Best In Show plant comes available for sale you are all going to want to grow one! it is both wild and stunning!

    Congrats LariAnn! You deserve it!
  8. hydrophyte

    hydrophyte Active Member

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    Madison, Wisconsin USA
    I had an excellent time at the show. I haven't really kept so many aroids and I was amazed at the variety of plants there--I think I'm hooked.

    Can't wait to see your pictures Steve!
  9. LariAnn

    LariAnn Active Member

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    Miami, Florida USA
    Thanks for the compliments, Steve! Here are pictures of my two major award winning plants, the Philodendron 'Maharlika' (F2 selection of P. bipinnatifidum x P. stenolobum), which took Best in Show, and my Alocasia 'Pixie Teardrops' (A. odora x A. brisbanensis, aberrant form), which took Most Unusual Aroid. Other plants I showed were my Alocasia x cupredora II, my Alocasia 'Giant Zebra' (A. macrorrhizos 'Borneo Giant' x A. zebrina), my Alocasia x reginora (A. odora x A. reginula), my Alocasia odora x A. zebrina reticulata, and my Alocasia macrorrhizos 'blackstem' x A. alba (striped petiole form).

    Attached Files:

  10. hydrophyte

    hydrophyte Active Member

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    Madison, Wisconsin USA
    Those are pretty great plants LariAnn. That 'Pixie Teardrops' looks somewhat like a native Sagitarria that we have here.
  11. photopro

    photopro Well-Known Member

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    Siloam Springs, AR, USA
    Those of you that often read my rantings on this or other forums must know by now I prefer true Philodendron species over hybrids varieties. This one breaks my rule!

    This is LariAnn Garner's Philodendron 'Maharlika' which is a second generation (F2) hybrid between P. bipinnatifidum x P. stenolobum. I found this to be one of the most stunning plants in the entire IAS show in Miami and there were many phenomenal plants on display.

    You can't tell from the photo but this is a very large leaf blade! My guess would be four feet since I didn't have a tape to measure the leaf.

    I'd display this plant in my personal collection in a heartbeat!

    Congratulations LariAnn. This is an incredible work of love!

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    Last edited: Sep 27, 2009
  12. asj2008

    asj2008 Active Member

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    again, COOL that it won...i remember she had posted several pics of the hybrid earlier and even then it looked spectacular. let me find that thread with the older pics.
  13. photopro

    photopro Well-Known Member

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    Siloam Springs, AR, USA
    I can't wait to see what she brings this year!

  14. LariAnn

    LariAnn Active Member

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    Miami, Florida USA
    I can guarantee it will be well worth the wait! The judges will have to work hard this year.

    The original P. "Maharlika" came through the unusually cold winter very well, although an interesting phenomenon manifested once the weather warmed up. All the leaves that were exposed to the cold stayed normally green until the weather warmed into the 80s F, after which they began yellowing on the edges. One by one, they then turned brown and fell off, while new leaves were produced to replace them. The newest leaves are well over 4 feet long, making an extremely impressive large plant in a 20 gallon pot.

    Also, a clone of the F2 cross that yielded my Maharlika, which I'll have to call "Maharlika II" for now, is already in tissue culture with a "secret" lab and I've been growing off a couple of them. If you can believe it, they are even more spectacular than the original Maharlika, with lobes more deeply cut on the long leaves.

    BTW - is that offer of a big truck rental still on? Some of what I have to show won't fit in any vehicle I have!
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2010
  15. photopro

    photopro Well-Known Member

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    Siloam Springs, AR, USA
    I will be there to see them once you bring them in! You'll get a different set of judges this year but "knock 'em dead"!

    I'll see what we can do to help you get some there. Regretably finances are not in my "list of duties" but surely we can do something! Remind me a week or so before the show.


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