The leaves and the pods were pulled from the log so they do belong together. The sap is blood red and oozes everywhere. The pods are singular. Sorry about the photos...Thanks for the instruction. Many seam to think it is green ash, dogwood or acacia. I think that there is a good chance for it to be eucalyptus because I am in San Diego.
Slideshow doesn't run when I click on any of your 4 identical links. Trunk section photo linked to looks like a eucalypt.
It is preferable to attach images directly. Here is the 'How To' for that: I remember seeing a eucalyptus on a hike in Australia that was dripping sap that looked very much like human blood--same colour--same consistency. Hope to see more photos. I could not get past the first image either.
David-that fits perfectly. I noticed that the bark seems a bit different and the tree is not as full. Do you think that is because this tree is not mature? Thanks for the reply by the way.