Interesting Red JM that will handle Full Sun Siting Recommendations

Discussion in 'Maples' started by mobiledynamics, Apr 16, 2024.

  1. mobiledynamics

    mobiledynamics Member

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    Zone 7A - Long Island
    I plan to add some JM's to a full afternoon sun siting with No shade trees at all.
    Zone 7A Long Island.

    For my greens and yellows, I have Summer Gold, Dancing Peacock, Mikawa and 2 test maples to see if it will scorch - First Flame and Moonrise

    I want to add a red. Want something a bit different and not a Emperor or the like
    I briefly considered GGW but not crazed about the Pink
    I only have space right now for 1 Red
    It will see sun starting around 8AM Peak Summer till like 8:30PM

    Right now, considering Pung Kil or something like Iijima Sunago (haven't researched how sun tolerant it will be).

    Would love some recommendations on a sun tolerant red/reddish JM.
    Temps is not the issue to some degree - it's just a full sun siting.
    Heck, it was 75F yesterday, a weird warm day in spring and even then , I was getting antsy doing garden work in this full sun siting
  2. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Good afternoon @mobiledynamics and welcome to the maples forum. I can vouch for Iijima Sunago, as I have mine in full sun and it does very well indeed, I am in zone 8b UK.
    It looks great planted near Summer Gold btw and I see you have that one already.
    Here are a couple of photos of my Iijima Sunago
    PXL_20240411_140402978.jpg PXL_20240411_140343678.jpg
    0soyoung and AlainK like this.
  3. mobiledynamics

    mobiledynamics Member

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    Zone 7A - Long Island
    Thanks for the confirmation on Iijima Sunago and it's siting
  4. mobiledynamics

    mobiledynamics Member

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    Zone 7A - Long Island
    Iijima Sunago acquired a few weeks ago......
    Ha. I ended up removing something in the garden to make room for another red...

    Pung Kil, here we go.
    Acerholic likes this.

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