Identification: Inherited Two Maples - Need help

Discussion in 'Maples' started by trojanduck, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. trojanduck

    trojanduck Member

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    Monterey Park

    I am very new to gardening and maintaining trees. My wife and I just purchased our first home and the house has a 5 to 6 foot Maple tree which seems to be doing well and another tree that is about 3 feet high. They are both in direct sun here in Southern California and I noticed the smaller tree seems to be struggling. Can anyone help identify what is going on with this tree based on the pictures of its leaves? I have the sprinkler system set to 5 minutes a day, everyday. This is also watering some zoysia grass and mondo grass.

    Thanks for the help!

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  2. maplesmagpie

    maplesmagpie Active Member

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    Zone 5b, along Lake Michigan in WI
    This time of year, in a drought-affected area, in hot sun, it's the norm for a Japanese maple to be showing some signs of stress. I'm up north with plenty of moisture and some of my most sun-exposed trees have dry spots and leaf curling.

    As for watering, one long deep watering a week is much better for trees than a short watering. Five minutes might only be enough to evaporate some and get shallow roots or mulch damp-- the lower soil could still be quite dry. What time of day are you watering?
  3. trojanduck

    trojanduck Member

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    Monterey Park
    I am watering at 7am. I thought about maybe changing it to 10 minutes 4 times a week, do you think that might help? The sprinkler system has a drip sprinkler specifically dedicated to this tree, among other trees. It is about 4 - 6 inches from the base of the tree.

    I thought about buying some shade cloth, and setting it up next to the tree when it gets over 90 degrees, then taking it off when it dips back down. I was told that may ruin the chance of getting the beautiful bright colored leaves later on.

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