Hello all, I'm new to this forum, and I don't know anything about cacti. I was wondering if you could give me some suggestions on how to take care of it. It is a small cactus about 9 inches tall, it is probabley 10-15 years old, but had about 2in of rot? or something starting at the base. Here is a picture.
If it's starting from the bottom, and its actually rot then I don't have high hopes for your cactus. However, I ask: how often are you watering, is it getting full sun all year around, and have you been feeding it. If it is sitting in fun sun and your not watering it much, then its more likely dehydrated. If its in the shade, then it will need less water assuming that there is no heat source right next to it. Judging by the fungus on the top of the soil I'd say its getting to much water. Water it when the soil is dry, then wait for soil to dry out before next watering.
it does not get direct sunlight, and is indoors, I just received it so I don't know what the previous person who had it did with it, but Its been sitting inside, I water it once a week, and use miracle grow every other watering.
If the brown section is soft and watery, then the plant is rotting (and doomed, unless you cut of the upper part and reroot it, but I don't think it is worth the effort). If the brown area is hard it is probably supporting wood/bark, which is common on this type of cactus. I guess it is the latter, if it had been rot it would probably have collapsed now. The shape indicates that it needs more light.
Probably a good idea. I always keep my cacti outside when the temperature allows me to, they grow much better there. Let it get used to the sun in a stepwise manner (like humans have to do), otherwise it may get burn injuries.
Okay, I live in oklahoma, so it will get lots of heat, and sun outside, it is 97 degrees farenheint right now. I put it in a part of my yard that is shaded some of the time, and sunny part of the time.
I have had a cactus of some sort pretty much all of my life. Being raised in Arizona has made me quite partial to them. If you are watering your cactus every other week that is WAY too much! My cactus get watered only once a month. They set in a window that gets early morning light only. I use regular cactus soil in their containers or a peat type soil. Also be sure to use plant food designated for succulants. I have actually taken parts of cactus and put them in soil and began new plants......if you have the time and the patience you can try to save this one. Good luck! Debi
The suitable watering interval depends heavily on the species, pot size and material, soil composition, sun exposure, temperature, humidity and more. I have cacti growing in small plastic pots that I water every 2nd or 3rd day when the weather is hot and dry, as well as bigger plants that need to dry out for a few weeks before watering again. If the they are provided with sufficient drainage, however, many types of cacti can be grown outdoors even here in Sweden (summer months only!), even though it often rains far more often than once a month. It is difficult to say how often the plant in question should be watered. The pot looks lika an approx. 10 cm wide clay pot, which makes the soil dry out faster. If I must guess, at 97°F in a relatively dry climate (which I think it is - but I have never been in Oklahoma) with several hours of sun each day, watering every week should not be too much. But you should not listen too much to other people, with time you will learn how often you should water it, just let the soil dry out before watering (I can usually tell from the weight of the pot (and plant) if it is time to water it). If you are in doubt, waiting a few days is the best choice. I'm not sure of how it should be treated during winter, though. It should have less water, but how much depends a lot on the climate. I keep mine completely dry from October until April, but the temperature is only 5-15°C where i keep them during this period. At higher temperatures, it might need a watering or two. "bigwillie": what kind of soil is it? Organic or mineral? It looks as if there are pieces of Perlite lying on top of the soil, and a few stones, but I cannot see what is beneath that, but it looks dark which indicates an organic soil.