Re: My Bamboo I have a peace lilly and it has been over-run by these little black bugs, I have gone to the nursery and they said to use a bug killer and it seems to not be working. I also have the lucky bamboo plants and the tips of the leaves are yellowing, does this mean I am watering it too much?
The lucky bamboo can never be overwatered. I have both of mine in vases with sand on the bottom, then big rocks, and always full of water to the brim. Mine turned yellow when they were in a bright window. They seem to like being in less light. They turned a dark green and came back to life after I moved them. They're much happier on my living room table away from the window and bright lites.
Re: My Bamboo Put the whole peace lily pot in a sink full of water for 20 mins. While you're waiting, see if there are any bugs still in the area where the plant was and don't put it back there (for now). When the area seems clear, you could return the pot.
As to the lucky bamboo, this is Dracaena sanderiana. They are generally sold growing in water, so I doubt overwatering is the problem. They are very sensitive to chlorine and fluorine, so it is good to use rainwater or at least water that has set for several hours to allow the chlorine to dissipate. If they need fertilizer the leaves may yellow, but it would be a more general yellowing.