I have quite a few plants. I am not even sure of what all the names of them are. I do however know that I have a Peace Lily. My question is what causes the plant ends to turn brown? Is this caused by too much watering, not enough? Please help. Thanks.
That is a tricky question, the leaf tips of house plants can brown because of overwatering or underwatering--or from disease, but my first guess if this is a problem with all or several of your plants is that the humidity in the house is too low.
The peace lily is at my work. The one's at my house seem to be doing good. I am not sure how I can change the humidity level at work. Any suggestions on that? Thanks for the response.
You could place the plant over a pebble tray (a tray with pebbles and water that holds the plant above the water--you don't want the soil in contact with standing water), or misting could help.
Other reasons, hard-water, overfeeding, dry soil, or overly wet soil can all cause brown leaf tips. You may want to try using either bottled water, or water that's sat out for 24 hrs which will get rid of the chlorine out into the air, but not the fluoride, both cause brown tips.