My aunt gave me two stems of about 6 inches 4-5 months ago and now I have this big plant of about 12 inches by 12 inches. I have no idea what kind of plant it is. I'm not even sure it's an indoor plant. It makes me think of some kind of geraniums... It has some cute little pink flowers which only bloom in my house and not hers (she's completely jaleous!!! ;-) Can someone help me please?
It is Begonia semperflorens, a perennial, Loves semi shade & humid location. Propagated from stem cuttings
Yep... I think that's it. So it shouldn't even be indoors... Maybe I can keep it until next spring and make tons of small pots to plant outside in my garden.
In your area, it is to be treated as either an indoor plant or an annual bedding plant: Begonia semperflorens from North Carolina State Univ. Extension. My advice? If you are having success with it (and you are), leave things as they are.