I've just seen this plant at a friend's house and took a couple of cutting to try and grow it at mine, but she doens't remember what it is and the woman who gave it to her is now passed so I'd love some help in guessing what it may be. The leaves are thick and fairly succulent and the vines are pendulous and hang down. The flower groups are at the terminal end of the vines and the white part is very thick and waxy. I think it's very neat, but I've not seen anything like it before. Thanks! Alison
Hoya. Does it have a strong perfume, particularly in the evening? Mine grows like a weed and it is very easy to take cuttings from. Margaret
Hi Margaret, It's got a soft sweet scent that is present all the time the flowers are blooming. It's not sticky at all like many of the Hoyas are, but I think you are certainly on the right track, I'll have ot see if I can find out maybe what species or variety it is. Thanks! Alison
Found it! I'ts a Hoya Bella. So Hoyas were definitely the right track to be on. Thanks so much for the help! Alison