Indoor palm tree needs help!!

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by singer74, Feb 9, 2007.

  1. singer74

    singer74 Active Member

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    Upstate NY - Zone 5/6
    I received this tree as a Christmas gift, and it had no identification in it. It is a beautiful plant, but seems to be in trouble. The leaves are still green, but they are as dry as straw and curled over. I've kept the soil moist and it drains well. Maybe too well??

    I have very little experience with palms so I don't know what to do for this poor thing. I had parlor palms previously, but I over-watered them and they eventually didn't make it. This tree was not identified so I don't even know what type of palm it is.

    I originally placed it in our dining room, which is cool and doesn't receive much natural light. For the past 4 days, I've had the tree in a corner of an upstairs room, which faces south and gets lots of natural light. I keep the humidity between 35-45% and the temp between 68-76. Also, there seem to be some roots sticking up over the soil (see pics). Is this normal?

    Any advice appreciated, thank you!

    P.S.: I'm in Zone 5-6, if that helps. Thanks!

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    Last edited: Feb 9, 2007
  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    Appears to be Phoenix roebelenii, Pygmy Date Palm.
  3. LPN

    LPN Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Courtenay, Vancouver Island
    Phoenix roebelenii ... in a very serious state of decline.
  4. Butch388

    Butch388 Member

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    youngstown, ohio 44509
    Hi, Does this palm require direct sun or indirect light? Some palms can't take direct sun and others need the sun. Slow up on the watering look up on your computer the cutual needs of this palm, John
  5. Tom24

    Tom24 Active Member

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    Wahpeton USA
    Try to repot it in a bigger pot and use a organic potting soil these palms love it, And give it a few days and then go to your local lowes or walmart and they sell a palm fertilizer. or go to a dollar store and pick up epson salt and mix one teaspoon to a gallon of water. But what a week after transplanting it. They do like sunlight but only part of the day. I hope this helps, Tom
  6. singer74

    singer74 Active Member

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    Upstate NY - Zone 5/6
    Thanks Tom, I'll try what you said. I won the plant at an office party, and it had been sitting in a conference room that has almost no natural light, so it already may have been sick and/or in need of fertilizing back when I first got it.

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