so I have this indoor palm tree that is has been in this house since built in 1960. I am not sure of the best way and type of fert to use for it. I am attaching a few pics of it. Is there a particular mixture that would work best? ie. 10-10-10, etc.
Re: identifying an indoor palm tree I agree, Majesty palms should not be sold as indoor palms. They are high demand palms and can quickly decline no matter how hard you try and care for them. It would be be better to try something else that you won't have to struggle with to keep alive. You might want to consider something like a Kentia Palm, (Howea forsteriana) or an Areca palm ((Dypsis lutescens) Both look good and do well as "indoor" palms.
Re: identifying an indoor palm tree The centred on in the left-hand photo looks to be a bamboo palm, Chamaedorea Microspadix or Seifrizii, depending. Not sure about the biggun on the left side of the same photo, but judging from the boots, it may be Mexican Fan Palm (Washingtonia robusta). I'm rather thinking 'not,' as I suspect no matter how well it's been controlled (or poorlycared for), it would have tried its best to approach it's 100' mature height in the last 40 years... Perhaps you've succeeded in bonsai-ing it!