Need help in identifying this indoor palm like tree. Single stalk/trunk. Stands approx. 5'. Leaves 2-3" width, up to 24" in length.
Not a ponytail palm (Nolina/Beaucarnea). Apart from trunk swollen at base its leaves are not 2-3 in wide and they are more finely tapering at tips. I wonder if Dracaena draco grown in poor light might not look like this?
it is a type of plant called a cordyline. most people think of hawaiian ti plant but they have alot of variety. this one is calle dcordyline indivisa i believe, people always confuse it witha dereceana and callit a dragon tree too ok... got to say thanks... now i'm a bit wiser... ;O)
Not Cordyline indivisa. See this link Note taper of leaf tip, yellow midrib
the leaves are way too think in that picture. it may not be a cordyline indivisa but it is a cordyline cheak thus site out and scroll down to the cordylins your sshoudl be there