Hello. I have an indoor Hibiscus I purchased about 8 years ago. It was very healthy and bloomed almost continuously until about 3 years ago when I transplanted it into a larger pot because it had outgrown the pot it was in. Since the replanting almost 3 years ago, the plant continues to appear healthy (contined new growth, very few yellow leaves, and very full foliage), but it has only produed one bud and flower. The plant location, sun and temperature conditions, and general care have not changed since the "good old days" of near continuous blooming. I have tried occassional feeding with a 20-30-20 fertilizer, but still nothing. I have also tried a couple of major prunings with no success. Any thoughts on why my apparently otherwise healthy plant won't bloom will be appreciated. Thanks, David...
Thanks for the reply, Tom. I think it's getting plenty of light - it's in an easterly facing window and I'm on the 24th floor. Same spot it was in when it bloomed like crazy for the first 4-5 years. I have tried fertilizing every 2nd or 3rd wattering for up to 3 months using a half-strength mix of the 20-30-20 fertilizer. I haven't tried recently, so I guess I'll try again. Any other thoughts?
Too much phosphorous, they don't like it that much and it builds up in the soil and can inhibit them. Try rinsing the soil to leach out any build-up (put the plant in the tub and water til it runs out the bottom of the pot for a while.) Then find a fertilizer formulated for hibiscus. Mild fertilizer given frequently is better. I found this mentioned on several hibiscus sites. Hibiscus Growing Tips American Hibiscus Society (lots of info links)
Eric, Thanks for those great links! I'll try some of those suggestions and keep my fingers crossed that my plant responds by blooming again. David...
I don't consider myself a hibiscus expert but I do have alot of them blooming nicely. I have always found that if you have a problem the best way to solve it is to prune them vigirously! I am new to this site but will try to post a few pictures. lisoo