Indoor herb garden help ?

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by pinzel51, Mar 2, 2006.

  1. pinzel51

    pinzel51 Member

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    Montréal. Québec. Canada
    Hello everyone

    i am new to gardening and i would love to have fresh herbs in my apartment all year around.

    what i would like to do is have a few small pots in my kitchen with let's say chives, parsley, basil, etc...

    i would like to know the procedure for doing so. i have tried to find some documentation on the internet and i failed to find something truly informative.

    What i used to do for growing herbs was to put seeds on a little peat pellet. i am sure there are other way to do it ...cheaper ones ... do you have any ideas ?

    what i think to do is get small pots ... put some seeds then put some plastic wrap over the pot and pray that it will grow....

    if there were an growing and/or maintenance instruction for growing fine herbs in the kitchen on a website it would be great ....

    thank you for your help ... i know that this thread is not an easy one .... its mostly vague but you guys are i think the only one who can help me out with this ....
  2. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    Growing herbs indoors is a great way to have some of that fresh garden taste in winter. Each herb has different requirements and not all can be successfully grown indoors. In general herbs like a lot of light and for many overwatering can be a problem, so light potting soil with good drainage is advised. Here are a couple of good links to get you started.
    (section on indoor herbs midway down the page - other herb info informative as well)

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