Indoor grapefruit tree / need input

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by hymie, Oct 10, 2006.

  1. hymie

    hymie Member

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    Hello, I found this site via searching for info on a Grapefruit tree i started 5 years ago from seed! I live in Ohio, USA. I noticed when i braught it in this year for winter i now have alot of leaves shedding, that i never had before! My other two tree are doing wonderfull, dark green leaves heavy, and good and healthy condition! My question is why did my 5', 5 year old tree turn light green and started to rapidly shedd leaves? I transplanted into bigger pot in june, but have realy never gave it fertilizer , other than a little 12-12-12 hear or there and maybe a couple hints of nitrogen? Is this normal for them to shedd , like this ? do it require light? less light? water ? , I guess i am just getting very concerned , it's like my child , and i do not want to lose it ! So if anyone knows what to do, or what articles may help me please , I thank you so very kindly ! Hymie...
  2. Laaz

    Laaz Active Member 10 Years

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    Charleston z9a SC

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