Indoor citrus tree losing leaves

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by davoodt, May 5, 2008.

  1. davoodt

    davoodt Member

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    Potomac, Maryland (Montgomery County)
    We have the same problem with our indoor grapefruit tree. It is about 5 ft tall in a standard shape. The pot is 17 inches in diameter. We have had this tree for 5 years and it has given us many tasty fruits. This year after my wife fed the tree with some jobo sticks, all its leaves lost their shine and became chucky, and fell down. We treated the tree with fungiside and it started bloseming. We thought the worst is over so we took it outside about two weeks ago (we live in Potomac MD). But now the flowers are falling, more branches are dieing and still no new leaves. We dont know what to do. Any help is much appriciated.
  2. skeeterbug

    skeeterbug Active Member

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    Pensacola, USA
    Re: My indoor citrus tree has lost it leaves

    How long since you repotted?

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