Verbena bonariensis (now listed as a weed down here) and one of the multiple forms of Perovskia that are grown.
I've tried V. bonariensis a couple times here and have not been able to get it to thrive. I saw a good stand of it in a wild area of a city park on my way to work the other day. So I guess it is capable of thriving here.
Don't you hate it when there's a write-up on some horribly invasive weed and you can't even get it to grow? Ajuga reptans is like that for me.
Today I observed a spontaneous one in my front yard, courtesy of a neighbor who has complained about my weeds since before we even met in a normal fashion. This year one of her verbenas is even poking a flower-head through the fence, like it is trying to check my place out for its potential.