Im new and need some info Please

Discussion in 'Plants: Science and Cultivation' started by Serophin, Sep 28, 2005.

  1. Serophin

    Serophin Member

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    Edmonton AB
    hi im 21 and live in edmonton. i am somewhat interested in botany and was wondering where i can get some good resources on the prof its self. i am having a hard time finding any web site with any quality of info. "Botany is the study of plants" they all say. yah i know that but what is the work like. is there a lot of field work? and where? who accually employes botanists. are botinests exspected to be in demand in 20 years? i am very interested in botany, immunology & infection, and genetics. what sort of work would suit that? pharmacological application of botany? many questions i have, and thats where this forum comes in. thank you ever so much for spending you time reading this. i know my spelling is terrible lol. please let me know of any web sites, journals that i can buy or just ppl who i can talk too. thanks

    Jason A Linton
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Try university botany departments. Maybe have to send for printed materials instead of relying strictly on www.
  3. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    Hello Serophin,

    Your interests in plants, genetics and pathology should lead you into a good career. To learn more about what the actual work would be like, seek out people who work in in these areas. To search on the web, look for professional groups, university Websites and businesses. Many will have profiles of their projects and the individuals involved. If you find interesting things search for more - send emails to people working in the areas you find interesting and ask them what the work is like, what the future of the profession will be and so on. There are many professional journals where new ideas and discoveries are discussed. You will find these at libraries (especially university libraries). Be as direct and clear as you can when asking for information. People need to know what you want if they are going to help you.

    I think your interests are great. Currently there is much genetic work being done with plants to develop medicines, better foods, better plants, etc. I think the combination is great.

    One other word of advice. Writing is one of the most basic and sought after skills. If you are going to study, it is essential that you write well. Use the spell check. Take a grammar course. It will pay off.
  4. Serophin

    Serophin Member

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    Edmonton AB
    Thanks you both for the posts.

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