The attached photos are of two JM whose ages and species are unknown. We moved in this house about 18 months ago in the Carolinas. Today I noticed some leaves turning a bright red and its not autumn. We had a late freeze about the 10-12 of April, but the trees had not really leafed out yet, so very little was burnt. Any ideas why these are dying? Any idea of the species? Thanks, Ron
Interesting, they appear healthy, looks like they think it's fall, some well developed seed coming along.
Leaf shape looks similar to Acer palmatum 'Hogyoku', as does the colour uniformity of the green and reddish leaves and green stems. 'Hogyoku' leaves usually a bright orange fall colour here. Not sure what would trigger the tree into fall mode. Are any other plants in the close vicinity behaving similar ? Has anything been applied over the root system, could any kind of spray have drifted onto the trees, and is it only on the branches close to the house?
Thanks for it's heritage. I am sure it feels better knowing it has a name. However, the red is appearing several places around the tree, but more so near the house. No chemicals or ground spray has been applied, and the other JP shows no effects. The house was painted several months ago while the tree was dormant, no spills were observed. I am thinking I'll prune those branches completely off to make sure something in the system won't spread. Thanks for your input, maybe others have experience something like this. Ron
You're welcome, not positive on the ID, but it does look similar. Maybe it will push out new buds from the defoliated areas, you might want to see dead wood before pruning. Could be a nursery grower or a tree expert could advise. Various chemical applications and methods used in the nurseries to promote plants flowering at an early age, bushiness and growth inhibitors , etc., but haven't heard of any to encourage dormancy other than cold temperatures. Guess maybe the cold snap, possibly wind chill near the house wall, or it could be related to the recent house painting. Possibly someone else on here may have experienced this behaviour, does seem unusual.
Hi, Ron- these red leaves do not look diseased, so I'm not sure why you want to prune them. If the branches showed a darkening or some other irregularity, that would be a another matter. I know red maple (acer rubrum) can turn prematurely red during dry spells, but may be not in spring. Don't prune them - see what happens is my thought. Needless pruning doesn't do the tree any good (besides that they need the leaves, your pruning, if done unhappily, could invite infections.) Maples change their color during the season: red - green - red is possible for many cultivars. I'm speculating: but since you have only recently moved in you do not know the habits of this tree. I've seen all kinds of coloring on my maples, including reddening or yellowing on regular acer palmatum in the spring (such as these could be, given the size and shape), although they are supposed to be green. Schusch
Schusch, Thanks for the advice and I'll leave them be. It may be a lack of water, but doubtful. It just happened so quick. The bark on the branches are green on the sides and bottom, but gray-brown to black on the top. The other branches without any red leaves are green all over. I will do some watering today. Thanks, Ron
if you have a dog or a dog near is possible that use your garden for "wc" ,of course is one idea .....
Hi Ron - the different coloring on the bark (grey on top, green at the bottom) is probably due to the sun. Worrisome discolorations are whole branches that turn black, with leaves wilting. (Some twigs will be black after the winter: that's normal, these you can prune.) Good luck with them: they are exceptional, especially given that many maples die before reaching that size. Schusch