Almost November and it is a good time to see Ilex sp., holly trees with berries. Asian Garden Ilex corallina, no spines, long leaves, small red berries along the branch and Ilex franchetiana var.franchetiana with shiny leaves Ilex cornuta looks more traditional as a holly tree. North(Alpine) garden Ilex crenata cv. Mariesii, doesn't look as holly. Berries are black, leaves are small
Last time I forgot to post Ilex pernyi, it is one of the most remarkable sp of Ilex, small and very spiny leaves. and lots of berries Ilex verticillata 'Winter Beauty' (female), we already posted Ilex verticillata, but this is an incredible beautiful cultivar in Winter garden. Ilex pedunculosa, we looking at this Ilex since it was in bloom. It is for sure my favourite Ilex.
Note that you should present cultivar names as 'Winter Beauty' and not cv. Winter Beauty for instance.