I am posting all these questions together in case they are related. 1a) What kind of spiders are these hatching all over my rose? 1b) Shall I invite them in or out? Like, are they bad or good? 1c) do they munch on rosebuds or were they only coincendentally camped in an area previously munched by some other pest? 2) What's munching my Blue Girl and sometimes causing deformed buds? 3) What is that green bug? (Good guy or bad guy?) Thanks in advance, Dr Carl
It's the common one that may grow as large as a pea (or bigger) builds the big webs outside windows, across pathways, between plants etc. that you see (or don't see and walk into) everywhere later in summer. The adults are mottled and streaked brownish over an orangish or yellowish background. Someone else will probably know the name. Like all spiders these are predatory beneficials. Even the comparatively few dangerously venomous* ones such as black widows destroy nuisance insects or ones that may even spread diseases that are dangerous themselves. *These are not mammalian predators like rattlesnakes, of course, it just happens that their venoms are virulent in the human body
That bug in the last photo looks to me like a Shied bug of some description (i'm no expert however). If so, being a true bug (this includes insects like aphids, leafhoppers and cicadas), it is a sap-sucker so this could be the cause of your deformed buds. I get the same problem with aphids, but vigilant removal of them seems to work. I try to not use chemicals if I can avoid it. As for the spiders, rejoice in them as they will eat your pests.