Ok, so I've been taking a lot of pictures and most of the plants I don't know much about. Sooo, I'm going to upload as many as I can right now and feel free to ID them as you can. :)
The plant in the first two photos is Heliotropium arborsecens - it smells like vanilla and cherries, no? The second is Justicia spp. The palms in the bottom series look like Phoenix spp. Number 2 in the bottom series looks like Yucca. Skip the bulb and you've got Sempervirens or similar succulents, followed by Ravenala madagascarensis (Traveller's palm). Skip two plants, and you have a young Ceiba (Ceiba pentandra or similar), the Heliotropes, a solanum, and the last one might be a passionfruit. I can't make these any larger, which makes the ID process difficult.
1st Thumbnail Limonium spp. maybe L. perezii First palm maybe Phoenix canariensis 6. Plant with long green leaves and orange flowers is Clivia Second palm looks like a triangle palm 9. Raphiolepis 16. Anigozanthos Last photo looks like Carissa macrocarpa Some better closeups would not hurt.
1. 2. 16. 17. Agree with Dylan. ....Limonium perezii. http://images.google.com/imgres?img...n-gb:IE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7SUNA_en-GB&sa=N&um=1 9. Looks like a Clivia sp. http://images.google.com/images?hl=...SUNA_en-GB&q=clivia&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi Without being able to enlarge your pics positive ids are difficult! Counting down is a pain. You might get a better response if you were to do them in batches of 3-5
I'm sorry everyone, I didn't realize they were going to post like that! Let me try reposting the photos and I'll see if I can put some numbers on them and do a recap on what seems to be a postivie ID so far...Thanks Lorax, Dylan, Silver, David!
Ok, so here goes nothing. I think posting three pics at a time will allow everyone to enlarge the photos? So I'll post three at a time making any comments neccessary about those three, then continue. I've added a few new photos, and I've edited all of them with numbers to standardize the numbering process. Hopefully this makes the IDing a bit more fun! Ok so here are the first three: I agree with Dylan, I think at the very least the second picture looks like Phoenix canariensis. Dylan, are you saying the first picture is the same species? The third picture has two different plants to ID, and the third and fourth picture are closeup attempts at each. I will get to ID comments in the next post in a minute here.
Ok: 4, 5, and 6 Lorax, I think you were suggesting that 4 is a species of Yucca? Any guesses on 5? It's the plant behind #4 nearest the wall. And 6, I agree is Clivia spp. Thanks Dylan!
7 & 8: Ok, so I've added a picture with a better view for 7, in addition to the one previously posted. No one has ventured any guesses on this one yet I believe. And for 8, Lorax said Ravenala madagascariensis, while Dylan said it was a triangle palm. I think I would have to go with Dylan at this point as the traveller's palm leaves seem more like those of a banana tree from doing a Google image search. Dypsis decaryi (triangle palm) perhaps? It looks fairly similar...
9 & 10: No guesses on either yet. 9 is a bush used extensively in landscaping in Irvine, CA while 10 is a small purple wildflower I found growing in the foothills of the San Bernardino mountains. *Edit* Dylan, I just saw that you posted Raphiolepis for number 9. Thanks!
11 & 12: Lorax, I believe you guessed Ceiba/Ceiba pentandra for the yellow flowering tree, and Heliotropium arborsecens for the purple flowering plant. I think Dylan was correct with number 12 being Limonium perezii as the Heliotropium doesn't seem to have the flowers growing at the top of stalks like that. As for 11, a friend of mine IDed it as Tabebuia chrysotricha, and I think he is probably correct. Although thanks for that particular misID Lorax, because I saw a particular tree online with no name attached to it and was curious about the name for a very long time, and then I Googled Ceiba pentandra and that was exactly the same tree!
13 & 14: Thanks Lorax and David! I believe Justicia brandegeana is correct for 13. Lorax I believe you were referring to 14 regarding Solanum. I agree it is similar to some Solanum, but haven't found one specifically like this. Any species guesses?
15, 16 & 17: Dylan I think you are correct again with Carissa macrocarpa for 15. *Edit* I always wondered whether these fruits are edible. Delighted to find that they are :) 16 and 17 are both new to this thread.
18, 19 & 20: Along with #17 and #21, I bought these from a vendor friend of mine and would be curious to learn more about them.
Also, Dylan I think you were correct with the Anigozanthos ID, although I seem to have skipped the picture with this round of posts...
Is Tabebuia an updated or synonym for Handroanthus? I think Oenothera speciosa is spot on for 14. Thanks! 7 does look similar to some species of Kale...
Thanks for the lead Michael, I've come up with Euphorbia characias based on your guess. The flowering was a bit different on cyparissias and didn't seem to always grow in stalks like characias
Yep, that's a better fit. I thought there was one that was better than E. cyparissias but couldn't remember the name offhand ;-)
Sorry I've been away from the forums this past week, life got pretty hectic there for a bit. I thought I would take this opputunity to summarize what has been IDed and what is still unknown: 1.Phoenix canariensis 2.Phoenix canariensis also? 3.? 4.? 5.? 6.Clivia spp. 7.Kale? 8.Dypsis decaryi 9.Raphiolepis indica 10.? 11.Tabebuia chrysotricha/Handroanthus chrysotrichus 12.Limonium perezii 13.Justicia brandegeana 14.Oenothera speciosa 15.Carissa macrocarpa 16.Euphorbia characias 17.? 18.? 19.? 20.? 21.?