I grew the attached 4' shrub from seed obtained from a gardening club. I thought it was American ginseng, but it's obviously not. It survives below-freezing winters outdoors in U.K. Currently producing berries like raspberries, but considerably larger. The leaves on the shrub are pinnate. The berries taste sweet so I am wondering: a) what is the plant? b) are the berries edible?
It looks very much like a dark fruited Aralia racemosa (American spikenard). See this link to the Connecticut Botanical Society or this link from the University of Southern Indiana. Another good picture of the fruit can be found here.
Many, many thanks for identifying this plant! This has been bothering me for a couple of years now. I was gratified to learn that it is a member of the Ginseng family so I must have remembered correctly something about the seeds I was sent. Again, thank you.