My sister is driving me nuts! She found a flowering vine that we cannot name and we have looked. I do not have any pictures, but it has a trunk that grows into a vine like clematis or wisteria, but is not either of these. The flowers are very small and bulb shaped and purple in color and they grow in clusters like wisteria. It is very fragrant and blooms between june and september. The seeds are in pods similar to green beans. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. I will try to post pictures soon. Thanks!!
Could it be kudzu? It fits your description of the flower. The fragrance is very sweet and to me smells like grape soda. Take a look at this link and please tell me that is not the plant:
I live in Georgia. Am very familiar with kudzu. This is not it. The flower is very similar but the leaves are long and thin not wide. Thanks for trying though:)
Check out to see if Amorpha fruticosa fits
I am relieved it is not kudzu. You would think anyone in the South would know the plant, but I think many only recognize it at a distance. I took flowers into work one day and no one (of perhaps 30 people) recognized it. Perhaps Michael has it. Are you absolutely sure it is not a less common type of wisteria? Pictures will definately help.
From the description could it be Akebia? small purple flowers with long beans as seed pods? are the been pods fleshy or hard . I have attached a couple of photos here pierrot