Our new house came with a small orchard and several grape vines, my wife an I are total novices but are eager to learn. We have lot's of grapes growing and should soon have a nice harvest, however I have no idea what type of grapes these are? I've read several books on grape care and should be able to at least keep the plants from dying until I catch on but it would help a lot more if I knew the specifics about this species of plant. Can anyone recommend a good website with pictures or present me with some helpful tips for identifying common varieties of green grapes. Thanks, Limey.
Hi Limey: Sometime if you can, post some pictures of your Grapes as we may be able to help you ID them. I am assuming your Grapes are Table Grapes. Below are some URLs that may help. http://www.tablegrape.com/consumers/variety.asp?load=variety1.asp§ion=consumers http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/hort/faculty/reisch/bulletin/table/tableindex2.html I am familiar with most of all of the Grapes from the California Table Grape Commission's web site. I am a little surprised that Muscat (Golden Muscat to some people) was not included as there are some still available as Table Grapes that are not processed as juice for Wine, made into Dessert Wines or sun dried for Raisins. Jim
I have also recently moved into a home where we have a grape vine. I have attached a couple of photos of the grapes that are on it and was wondering if they could be identified? Thank you, Shelby