I live in Baltimore, MD in a century-old corner townhome. The ground on the west side of the house is concrete-covered from house to curb... 18-feet width. One approximately 30-year-old maple exists there, in a 52"x 47" tree pit. It is ailing from nutrient and water deficiencies over the years. Three years ago I started tending it and it is responding, but likely won't recover to be vibrant and to yield a full canopy. I also want to make two more like-size tree pits and plant the same kind, or other very urban-tolerant maple in each. I have enough ground footage there to space each new tree pit 24-feet from the existing one in the center of the ground length. Though the city controls pit size and locations, tree type etc. I am also considering embedding in the sidewalk several 3 or 4-inch cast metal collars and locking caps, between the trees, in order to be able to provide water and nutrients to them other than only through the tree pits. I need help to identify the existing maple, in hopes of planting two more like it, or other hearty urban-tolerant ones similar to it. Can anyone help in identifying it, or in offering suggestions? Your efforts will be greatly appreciated. Tsom
Ditto to Norway Maple. Has a reputation as an invasive weed tree in your area, so maybe not the best to plant more of.
Ron & Michael... thanks. I just read the same "invasive tree" information on other sites. I'll certainly look for better Maple alternatives for the two I want to add for more shade and aesthetics.
More than a reputation, appalling infestations occur where there are thousands of them within a small area.