Hi, would someone be able to identify this tree? It was growing in a park in Somerset, UK. Sorry for the terrible picture quality, I had to zoom in a lot!
More likely Northern Red Oak Quercus borealis. The leaves look too large for Scarlet Oak, and that's also decidedly rare in Britain too (only likely to be found in major botanical collections). By contrast, Northern Red Oak is widely planted.
Yes, I thought of red oak first but also consider it to fall under "similar". Some scarlet oaks do not have as deeply cut leaves as others, and the one shown has a rather upswept habit for an open grown red oak.
Maedin, is this another of your pics from Ford Abbey in Somerset? If so, they have an arboretum and extensive gardens planted with rare and unusual trees. This info may help Michael and Ron with id, if they are aware of where pic taken.