Identify this vine please

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by sassymomma1976, Apr 23, 2007.

  1. sassymomma1976

    sassymomma1976 Member

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    Waller, Texas
    I found a very lovely vine at my mother's house this weekend. She lives in zone 8a Rusk, Texas. I dug up the vine hoping to plant it in zone 8b, Waller, Texas. I have no clue as to what this vine is, I will try to snap a picture later but here is a description.....
    A hardy climbing vine growing in partial shade, large 4 to 6 inches long, very broad, heart shaped and where the leave joins the vine the bottem of leaf overlaps, the blooms are a dark purple to black 5 point star in clumps of about 10 to 15 in one spaot...... the blooms have the same shape and size of a star jasmine. No smell that I noticed but to be honest I was so impressed with the blooms that I did not even pay attention to the smell.
    Please Help
  2. tipularia

    tipularia Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Northeast Texas USA

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