Idintify this plant please Hi, I live in Victoria. This plant (or perhaps weed ?) popped up in my garden after we moved here. I pulled it in late august that first summer and all of the little balls fell off. The next season there were hundreds of this plant growing all over the place in the garden. I have never let it get too big, since I am trying to eradicate it from my garden, but the first one was about 1 foot tall, and about as wide, resembling a little tomato plant. Any idea? (Sorry on the pictures - someone mentioned this site after I pulled the last one)
Re: Idintify this plant please Not sure what it is, but you might want to pull them up BEFORE the balls, possibly seed pods drop into the soil.
Re: Idintify this plant please Thanks. I have been pulling them as soon as I recognize them, usually a month or so before the little balls appear. The one in the picture was hiding in the midst of some potato plants...
Thanks for letting me know tipularia. I finally had the time to google the name and have confirmed it. It has its own section in the "Field Guide to Noxious and Other Selected Weeds of British Columbia" The green berries are toxic...thank goodness I never tasted one.