
Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by rootbboy, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. rootbboy

    rootbboy Active Member

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    vancouver, Canada
    Seen at Mountain Equipment Co-op North Vancouver store. The staff said that they were mostly native plants, but as they had changed landscapers they weren't able to id any of the ones I'm curious about.

    First looks like a succulent, but the leaves are lancelike? mat forming and spreading along the ground. It also shows colour variance red and green.

    The next were taken as it got darker so I had to use the flash..

    A grass species and what looks like a little 3 foot shrub, oregon box perhaps?


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  2. Sundrop

    Sundrop Well-Known Member

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    Kootenays, BC, Canada
    1 & 5 are, I believe, Sedum album "Coral carpet"
  3. Margot

    Margot Renowned Contributor 10 Years

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    Nanoose Bay, BC Canada
    I doubt any of the plants you have photographed are BC native plants.

    The plant in the first and last photos is a sedum but the most common native sedums you might expect landscapers to use would be the common Sedum oreganum and Sedum spathulifolium and it's certainly neither of those.

    I have no idea what the grassy plant is but think the third photo shows some kind of Cotoneaster. It's a bit similar to the native boxwood, Pachistima myrsinites because they both have opposite leaves but I don't think the growth form is right. You can see a bit of Oregon Grape behind the Cotoneaster - at least they're trying to use SOME BC native plants.

    The plant in the fourth picture looks to me like a Lonicera nitida.

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