Hello, Can anyone tell me what these guys are, I'm guessing either Grand Firs or Sitka Spruce? Can anyone also ID the aquatic? Thanks!
These are Grand firs, Sitka spruce is quite different. Not a good view but other is probably Juncus effusus or similar.
Ditto to Grand Fir, except in pic #5, the left-hand tree might be a Douglas-fir. The pic isn't clear enough to be 100% sure though. None of them looks very happy. Are they planted, or self-sown?
The tree in your first photograph is almost certainly a Grand Fir (Abies grandis) which, unlike Douglas-fir, is a true fir. The way the needles are arranged nearly all spreading horizontally distinguishes this from Douglas-firs and spruces. It's too hard for me to tell from the pictures what the other evergreens may be. You may be able to narrow down your search by trying to roll needles between your fingers . . . only spruce will roll. As for the grassy-looking plant, it looks like common rush - Juncus effusus.